Sunday, August 08, 2010

PGTV .NET Control version is Available

The PGTViewer .NET Control for Window Mobile version is available.

------------ - 08/08/10

- FIX - #6375 - for the ColorValue with Layered Symbol Definition did not work correctly.
- FIX - #6379 - Composite Group elements (extended Style id = 1, 2, or 3) were not correctly handling having no Style Rule.
- CHG - #6383 - All default Stroke Angles changed from 15 to 5 degrees.

------------ - 05/25/10

- FIX - #6342 - MaxRecordsReturned was allowing 1 more record than the specified value to be returned.
- NEW - #6346 - MaxRecordsReturned can now be defined in the Additional Properties section and the addprop.ini.
- FIX - #6348 - InitializeQuery was always using the Data Property MaxRecordsReturned value instead of the value passed in. It should only use the Data Property if the value passed in is 0.

------------ - 05/18/10

- NEW - #6335 - DocumentId and ViewId property were added to match the GTV Control.

- NEW - #6336 - Doc and View limit information is now available as DocumentLimit, ViewLimit, AvailableDocuments, AvailableViews.

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