Wednesday, December 27, 2006

GTVx Version 5.0.x.12 is Available

Version 5.0.x.12 of GTVx is available.

----------------------- - 12/27/06
- FIX - The Export button on the Display Preset Dialog was always enabled even when no preset item was selected.

----------------------- - 12/08/06

- FIX - QueryActivate and QueryPerform were not recognizing Query Type 13 as thematic query.

GTViewer version 5.0.x.27 is Available

Version 5.0.x.27 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 12/27/06
- CHG - Change to the NMEA GPS reader to better support virtual COM ports or GPS sharing devices.

- FIX - The Export button on the Display Preset Dialog was always enabled even when no preset item was selected.

Friday, December 01, 2006

GTViewer version 5.0.x.26 is Available

Version 5.0.x.26 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 11/30/06

- FIX - Export as Dgn was not setting the origin correctly in orphan cell headers which caused all grouped elements from the GTViewer data to scale and rotate incorrectly in Microstation.

- NEW - Export as Dgn will now export Extended Style Information as UDLS tags on the dgn elements.

- FIX - Fixes to the Style Manager's Import Map and Def funtionality.

- NEW - ExternalStyleMapFile and ExternalStyleDefinition entries can be added to the addprop.ini file or the Additional Properties section of the .GTM. If defined, these entries will import the specified .map or .def files.

- FIX - Text Elements with embedded data would lose the embedded data if edited with the Element Properties dialog.

- FIX - Reading an element would partially reset a DrawSetData. It will now fully reset the information.

- FIX - Right Mouse Menu would not activate when in Draw Dimension or Leader line modes.

- FIX - Updates to Magnify Window to provide a smoother appearance when scrolling, especially with dark or black backgrounds.

GTVx version 5.0.x.10 is Available

Version 5.0.x.10 of GTVx is available.

----------------------- - 11/30/06

- FIX - Export as Dgn was not setting the origin correctly in orphan cell headers which caused all grouped elements from the GTViewer data to scale and rotate incorrectly in Microstation.

- NEW - Export as Dgn will now export Extended Style Information as UDLS tags on the dgn elements.- FIX - Text Elements with embedded data would lose the embedded data if edited with the Element Properties dialog.

- FIX - Reading an element would partially reset a DrawSetData. It will now fully reset the information.

- FIX - Right Mouse Menu would not activate when in Draw Dimension or Leader line modes.

- NEW - ExternalStyleMapFile and ExternalStyleDefinition entries can be added to the addprop.ini file or the Additional Properties section of the .GTM. If defined, these entries will import the specified .map or .def files.