Version 7.0.x.34 of the
GTViewer .NET Control is available.
Several versions rolled into one blog posting here. Major additons to the .NET control are support for Feature Tooltips, Data Monitor Events, Persistent Highlighting, and the Emphasize Session Graphics Mode.
------------ - 03/06/08
- NEW - #186 - Persistent highlight functionality. New Methods:
bool HighlightAddFeature(int highlightId, int categoryId, int offset, Color highlightColor, int weight, double minThreshold,
double maxThreshold)
bool HighlightReset(int highlightId)
bool HighlightAddCircle( double x, double y, double radius, int radiusMode, Color highlightColor, int weight, double minThreshold, double maxThreshold)
bool HighlightResetCircles()
bool FitHighlighted(double buffer);
- NEW - #187 - EmphasizeSessionGraphics property added to allow the Emphasize Session Graphics mode to be turned on and off.
------------ - 03/05/08
- NEW - #180 - New Method:
bool DM_HighlightItem(int listId, String itemId, bool highlightFlag, Color highlightColor, bool invalidateFlag)
- NEW - #181 - Feature Tooltip support has been added. FeatureTooltip event and FeatureTooltipMode property. The FeatureToolTipMaximumZoom,
FeatureToolTipMaximumScale, FeatureToolTipMinimumZoom, and
FeatureToolTipMinimumScale Data Properties has been added.
- FIX - #182 - An Invalid entry was added to the ControlViewType enum.
- NEW - #183 - New Methods:
bool FeatureTooltipAdd(int categoryId, String filterStr, String formatStr)
bool FeatureTooltipReset()
- NEW - #184 - Thematic Query (Types 10,11,13) and Prompt Query (Types 20,21,23) are now supported by QueryInitialize and QueryFetchRecord.
- NEW - #185 - Default Maximum Query Records returned changed to 1000. Data Property MaxRecordsReturned added so that the max can be changed.
------------ - 03/02/08
- NEW - #178 - MOUSE_CLICKED type added to the DataMonitorItem event.
- NEW - #179 - Right Mouse click will now clear any selecte Data Monitor
------------ - 03/01/08
- FIX - #169 - Rendering of character id greater than 127 would not display correctly.
- FIX - #170 - Data Monitor items were not having the Text Accent correctly initialized which could cause strange graphics to appear.
- NEW - #171 - The DataMonitorSelected event has been added and is fired when a data monitor item has been selected by the right
mouse menu or the tap-and-hold. The DataMonitorItem event has been added and is fired when the mouse enters or leaves a data monitor item. The DM_EventMode property has been added to allow
Data Monitor items to be selected with the right mouse
and tap-and hold review (SELECT_ONLY) or the mouse move
event entering and leaving an item (MOUSE_ONLY). The
property can also be set to MOUSE_AND_SELECT for both
sets of events to be fired.
------------ - 02/28/08
- CHG - The ViewType property has been changed to CurrentViewType.
- FIX - #167 - Drawing Text Accents would cause problems.
- FIX - #168 - Adjustments to Shape With Holes rendering.