Friday, June 25, 2021

GTViewer Data Server version


GTViewer Data Server version is available. 

So...yeah...I forgot to post a bunch of releases for GTViewer Data Server (since

Of importance, is available with a new GTShareViewer which has a lot of new features and usability tweaks.

----------- - 6/21/21

- NEW - #8222 - The WebAppCompact.aspx added to support GTShareViewer's new Server Side Compact.

- NEW - #8232 - Backend support for the new Export functionality (to match GTShareViewer via the web service and GTVDSAdmin).

----------- - 2/16/21

- FIX - #8189 - The Color value for the XML export was not working correctly.  It was always red instead of the element's color.

- FIX - #8190 - The Default Size Values for the did not have a leading "0" which caused a problem in the GTech Redline importer.

- FIX - #8191 - The Font used by the XML export symbol defaulted to "Arial" for text and "Wingdings" for Symbols.  You can now override these default values by defining TTFont entries in the Project's info file.

- FIX - #8199 - XML Export now does a culture invariant export for all decimal values and increases numbers past the decimal point to 6.

- NEW - #8200 - XML Export now supports a "Configuration" parameter in the Project's info file.

- NEW - #8201 - More information added to XML comment header: project name, web app name, filter.

----------- - 2/5/21

- FIX - #8180 - If a space appeared in the Project Info file between the Property name and the equal sign, it would not recognize the property name.

- FIX - #8186 - The GetFile logging and the GetFile entries in the main log file were too verbose, and the GetFile logfiles were always being generated. Both are now off by default.

- NEW - #8187 - - GTVDSAdmin - The -exportXML mode has been added.

- CHG - #8188 - - GTVDSAdmin - The Server URL, User, Password are no longer required to be present in the parameter file (they can be specified with command-line flags).

----------- - 7/14/20

- FIX - #8134 - Redline delete Records were not always being processed (collapsed).

- NEW - #8137 - GetGtgFile method added to Web Service.

- NEW - #8142 - The RedlineProject property has been added to the Project Info file.

- FIX - #8143 - Fixed the problem with deleting Redlines with the Web Service.

- FIX - #8146 - All Web Service Parameters are Url Encoded.

- CHG - #8148 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.8

- NEW - #8149 - Web Service now has two named configurations: RegularEndPoint and SecureEndPoint.

- FIX - GTShareViewer - - #8132 - The GTG Export for Redlines was putting the first record's info on each record.

- FIX - GTShareViewer - - #8133 - GTShareViewer was parsing the X/Y attributes with decimal points incorrectly in other locales.

- FIX - GTShareViewer - - #8135 - Fixed a major slow down on the display of records in the listview if there were a lot of records.

- CHG - GTShareViewer - - #8139 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.8

- FIX - GTShareViewer - - #8141 - Deleting selected Redline records was not working.

- CHG - GTShareViewer - - #8144 - The Width of the Project and Web App combos was widened and the Drop Width was widened even more.

- FIX - GTShareViewer - - #8145 - The Import CSV will now prevent you from importing records for Projects of the Redline type (this isn't supported anyway).

- CHG - GTManifest - - #8147 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.8

- CHG - GTViewer Data Client - - #8062 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.8

- NEW - GTVDSAdmin - - #8035 - Initial Version

- NEW - GTVDSAdmin - - #8036 - Mode support in Parameter file.

- NEW - GTVDSAdmin - - #8037 - Parameter File support for RestoreFile.

- FIX - GTVDSAdmin - - #8038 - Various error and usage message updates.

- FIX - GTVDSAdmin - - #8048 - Changes to the error messages to better indicate the the parameter file is empty.

- FIX - GTVDSAdmin - - #8049 - Delivery now includes the .config file.

- CHG - GTVDSAdmin - - #8063 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.6.2

- NEW - GTVDSAdmin - - #8136 - Added Support for ExportGtg and ExportJson modes.

- NEW - GTVDSAdmin - - #8138 - ExportCsv mode will now use the Optional Instructions entry.

- CHG - GTVDSAdmin - - #8140 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.8

- NEW - GTVDSAdmin - - #8151 - Supports the 2 named configuration of the Web Service and will switch between HTTP and HTTPS automatically based on the server URL.

- CHG - GTVDSAdmin - - #8152 - Version number changed to match GTViewer Data Server it goes with.

----------- - 11/05/19

- NEW - #8066 - The Enhanced Security Mode has been added including the HttpsOnly and AllowSavedPasswords settings.  It also uses token-based login.

- NEW - #8067 - The DataPath Property has been added to allow Project Directories to be located outside the IIS directory structure.

- NEW - #8068 - With Enhanced Security mode, the ZIP File MIME Type can be removed in IIS.

- NEW - #8069 - The Enhanced ZIP Password Scheme added to GTManifest is supported for Enhanced for Regular Security mode.

- NEW - #8070 - Usage Tracking has been implemented to track licensed user count.

- CHG - #8071 - The ResetServer.aspx has been replaced with the GTVDS_Reset.exe utility which requires a login that is part of the Admin group.

- NEW - GTShareViewer - - #8054 - If the Server URL is "http://localhost:", the "/GTViewer" suffix is not automatically appended.
- CHG - GTShareViewer - - #8064 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.6.2

- CHG - GTManifest - - #8060 - You can no longer have more than one .GTM file in a project source directory, and you cannot use "GTechData.gtm" as the .GTM file.

- CHG - GTManifest - - #8061 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.6.2

- NEW - GTManifest - - #8065 - Import and Export Configuration File buttons have been added to help create the configuration files for the command-line version.

- NEW - GTViewer Data Client - - #8055 - Support for enhanced security

- CHG - GTViewer Data Client - - #8056 - Changed from x86 to AnyCPU

- NEW - GTViewer Data Client - - #8057 - Improved error messages if a download fails.

- FIX - GTViewer Data Client - - #8058 - There was a problem with foreign characters in the Manifest files not getting encoded correctly.

- NEW - GTViewer Data Client - - #8059 - Save Password setting and support for the Allow Save Password property from the server.

- CHG - GTViewer Data Client - - #8062 - Updated to .NET Framework 4.6.2

GTech Loader version


GTech Loader version

----------- - 6/24/21

- FIX - #8235 - If a Style Expression is used, the Group Expression would be invalid if not defined causing the records to not be processed.

- FIX - #8236 - The GTI_StyleName token was not working when used with a Style Expression.

----------- - 3/4/21

- FIX - #8207 - A problem with Oracle 19c was fixed where queries against a table with a large number of records had to be processed as "Read Committed".

- NEW - #8208 - More exceptions messages are provided in the log file.  Previously, these messages were not provided because they could fill up your disk.  They are now limited to 10 exception messages per feature in graphics export.