Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Raster Updates

GTViewer, GTVx, and the GTV .NET Control all received upgrades to their raster functionality.
Updates to ER Mapper’s ECW file functionality include various enhancements and fixes as well as adding support for .ERS files (which provide header information in a simple ASCII format while pointing to a .ECW file).

JPEG 2000 support has also been added. A .jp2 file can now be included in a non-Category raster list or a Raster Category’s raster file list. The .ERS file can also be used to specify header information for a .jp2 file.

Including the LizardTech's MrSID format, the GTViewer family of products offers a wide range of Raster support making it easy to being in background imagery.

The screenshot above show the ER Mapper sample data composited with Country and State bounary shapes.

GTViewer .NET Control Version is Available

Version 7.0.x.20 of the GTVControl is available.

------------ - 08/29/07

- FIX - #127 - Problem with Draw Area removing the last point in the area.

------------ - 08/28/07

- FIX - #126 - Fixes the the Draw Line and Draw Area commands. Finish Button did not take away the floating point and right mouse button did not work.

------------ - 08/28/07

- NEW - #125 - OriginOffsetX and OriginOffsetY have been implemented for TrueType Text Element symbols.

- NEW - #124 - Upgraded ECW Library to version 3.3 and added support for .JP2 and .ERS files.

- CHG - New License Key Scheme.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

GTViewer 7.0.x.11 is Available

Version 7.0.x.11 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 08/28/07

- NEW - Relative link path will now check for URL type address before decomposing the path. Previously, only absolute link paths could be used.

- NEW - Upgraded ECW Library to version 3.3 and added support for JPEG 2000 (.JP2) and .ERS files.

- NEW - OriginOffsetX and OriginOffsetY have been implemented for TrueType Text Element symbols.

Monday, August 13, 2007

.NET Controls Version 7.0.x.17 are Available

Version 7.0.x.17 of the PGTV Control and GTVControl are available.

PGTV Control
------------ - 08/09/07

- FIX - #123 - GPS indicator was erased during drawing and zoom in commands.

- FIX - #121 - FindClosestColor would sometimes fail if a color table was not available in the data.

------------ - 08/06/07

- NEW - New Methods:
bool GetSatelliteInfo(ArrayList list)
void TriggerGpsEvents()

- FIX - #120 - Overview map automatically suspends GPS updates.

- NEW - #119 - SuspendGps property added.

- NEW - #118 - A new method called GetSatelliteInfo was added to retrieve a list of current satellite information (azimuth, elevation, id, SNR).

- NEW - #117 - A new method called TriggerGpsEvents has been added to cause all GPS events to be fired with their last set of values. Since most GPS events are only fired when a value changes, this method is an easy way to get all of the event to fire without waiting for values to change to get the events.

- FIX - #116 - Placing text elements with the maximum number of character (1024) caused problems.

- FIX - #114 - Coordinate Conversion did not allow for data being in a Lat/Long projection.

------------ - 08/09/07

- FIX - #123 - GPS indicator was erased during drawing and zoom in commands.

- FIX - #122 - Problem with Graphics resource when GPS was updating.

- FIX - #121 - FindClosestColor would sometimes fail if a color table was not available in the data.

------------ -

- NEW - New Methods:
bool GetSatelliteInfo(ArrayList list)
void TriggerGpsEvents()

- NEW - #119 - SuspendGps property added.

- NEW - #118 - A new method called GetSatelliteInfo was added to retrieve a list of current satellite information (azimuth, elevation, id, SNR).

- NEW - #117 - A new method called TriggerGpsEvents has been added to cause all GPS events to be fired with their last set of values. Since most GPS events are only fired when a value changes, this method is an easy way to get all of the event to fire without waiting for values to change to get the events.

- FIX - #116 - Placing text elements with the maximum number of character (1024) caused problems.

- FIX - #115 - ToLatitudeLongitude and FromLatitudeLongitude were not implemented.

- FIX - #114 - Coordinate Conversion did not allow for data being in a Lat/Long projection.

- FIX - #113 - GetFileProperties did not work.

Friday, August 03, 2007

GTVx Version 7.0.x.4 is Available

Version 7.0.x.4 of GTVx is available.

----------------------- - 08/03/07

- FIX - #C1001 - Text elements with 1024 character were causing problems. The text size limit is supposed to be 1024.

- FIX - Complex Shape with Hole elements were having problems if the rendering points in neighboring shapes had the same start point.

- NEW - New Methods:

long GetFontType(long fontId);

boolean GetGeoLocatePoint(long catId, long offset, double number, double low, double high, long mode, double* x, double* y);

Pocket GTViewer version 7.0.x.5 is Available

Pocket GTViewer version 7.0.x.5 is now available.

----------- - 08/03/07

- FIX - Placing text elements with the maximum number of character (1024) caused problems.

- FIX - Complex Shape with Hole elements were having problems if the rendering points in neighboring shapes had the same start point.