Wednesday, April 30, 2008

GTData Version is Available

Version of GTData is available.

----------- - 04/30/08

- NEW - GT2Shape - GTD #1003 - Shape With Hole Elements are now supported.

- FIX - GT2Shape - GTD #1004 - All filenames are converted to lower case so that they will be consistent with one another.

- NEW - GTConv - GTD #1005 - CellHeaderLevelMode added to allow a cell to use the cell header's level if it is not equal to 0.

- NEW - GTTextQuery - GTD #1006 - The StartsWith entry is now supported to filter text by requiring it to start with the specified string. Entry is repeatable.

- NEW - GTTextQuery - GTD #1007 - The OmitStartsWithText entry was added and if set to 1, the StartWith text from #1006 will be removed from the text string.

- NEW - GTTextQuery - GTD #1008 - The -tf flag was added to support the creation of a file containing all of the text meeting the search criteria. The -fid flag was also added to also place the text element's filter id in the text file output.

- NEW - GTTextQuery - GTD #1009 - The Filter Id was updated to support hypenated list of filter ids.

- FIX - GTQuery - GTD #1010 - The FilterId entry did not support token replacement.

- FIX - GTConv, GTSum - GTD #1012 - Attribute Linkage index not correct in some cases.

- NEW - GTTextQuery - GTD #1013 - The -xy flag was added to embed coordinate info in each record.

- NEW - GTSumGtg - GTD #1014 - Added to GTData.

- NEW - GTSplitGtg - GTD #1015 - The -x1, -y1, and -min flags added.

- NEW - GTTextQuery - GTD #1016 - The IgnoreSubElements entry has been added to tell how many sub elements to skip in a group before processing. The default is 0.

Friday, April 25, 2008

GTViewer 7.0.x.28 is Available

Version 7.0.x.28 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 04/25/08
- NEW - GTD #1003 - Export to Shapefile now supports Shape with Hole Elements.

- FIX - GTD #1004 - Export to Shapefile now forces all filenames to be upper case so that they are consistent with one another.

- FIX - GTV #1027 - Support for Shape with Holes has been added to the DGN export functionality. Shape with Hole elements are converted to linestrings.

- FIX - GTV #1028 - Complex Shapes (Type 3, Extended Style 2) with a style rule containing only a Color and no border color would draw the complex shape's border with the element's shape border color. This has been changed to use the color in the style rule if the style rules defines only a color and no border color.

- NEW - GTV #1029 - The FeatureTooltipOmitBlankValues Data Property has been added. It can be used with GetDataProperty, SetDataProperty, and in the Additional Properties section in the .GTM file.

- FIX - GTV #1030 - GT/Field did notshow icons correctly for required GPS values.

- FIX - GTV #1031 - Stroking Circles, Ellipses, and Arc could overflow some point buffer in the export to .dgn routines after the default stroke angle was reduced to 5 degrees in an earlier version.

Monday, April 21, 2008

GTV Control version is Available

Version 7.0.x.46 of the GTViewer .NET Control is available.

Several versions rolled into one blog posting. Major additons to the .NET control are support for the .GTM and .GTS files in the Pro version as well as an enhanced version of the Data Monitor (called DM2) and Log File support.

------------ - 04/21/08

- FIX - #218 - Complex Shapes (Type 3, Extended Style 2) with a style rule containing only a Color and no border color would draw the complex shape's border with the element's shape border color.
This has been changed to use the color in the style rule if
the style rules defines only a color and no border color.

- NEW - #219 - DM2_EventMode property has been added.

- FIX - #220 - DM2_DeleteItem did not work correctly.

- NEW - #221 - DM2_DeleteItemsByGroupId was added.

- FIX - #222 - DM2_UpdateItem was not passing double values correctly to the dll and thus not working correctly.

- NEW - #223 - Constants provided for Views: View_0, View_1, ... View_9 and View_All. These values can be used with the Data Monitor View Filter value.

------------ - 04/14/08

- NEW - #214 - Emphasize Color support added. EmphasizeSessionGraphicsColor property added to GetDataProperty and SetDataProperty.

- NEW - #215 - SetViewLike method added: bool SetViewLike(GTVControl ctrl)

- FIX - #216 - Graphic engine objects were not getting released when a file closed.

- FIX - #217 - CreateSession methods were private instead of public.

------------ - 04/13/08
- NEW - #207 - Style Def and Map File support added.

- NEW - #208 - UDLS Def File support added.

- NEW - #209 - Filter File support added.

- NEW - #210 - .GTM File support added.

New Properties:
String SessionFile

New Methods:
bool CreateSession(String sessionFile, String gtviewerFile, String password)

- NEW - #211 - Log File support added.

New Properties:
int LoggingLevel

New Methods:

String GetLogfileName()
bool LogMessage( int level, String msg )

- NEW - #212 - DM2 methods added:

public bool DM2_AddStyleItem( int styleId, DM2_Style style)
bool DM2_GetStyleItemCount(int styleId, out int count )
public DM2_Style DM2_GetStyleItem(int styleId, int pos)
public bool DM2_AddItem(DM2_Item item)
public DM2_Item DM2_GetItem( String itemId )
public bool DM2_ClearAllItems()
public bool DM2_ClearAllStyleItems()
public bool DM2_ClearStyleItems(int styleId)
public bool DM2_DeleteItem( String itemId )
public bool DM2_UpdateItem(String itemId, double x, double y, double rotation)
public bool DM2_UpdateItemStyleId(String itemId, int styleId)
public bool DM2_UpdateItemViewFilter(String itemId, int viewFilter)
public int DM2_UpdateItemStyleIdByGroupId(int groupId, int styleId)
public int DM2_UpdateItemViewFilterByGroupId(int groupId, int viewFilter)
public int DM2_GetItemCount()
public bool DM2_GetItemsAtPoint(double x, double y, out ArrayList itemList)

- FIX - #213 - Magnify view was not scaled correctly when coordinate factor 2 was not 1000.

Monday, April 07, 2008

PGTV Control version is Available

Version 7.0.x.22 of the PGTV Control is available.

------------ - 04/07/08

- CHG - #158 - Description for Reviewed Session Graphics has been changed from "Session Graphic" to the element's filter name.

- FIX - #162 - Fillable element using the Border Color style property were not inverting their color when drawn on the same color background.

- NEW - #163 - MaxZoomLevel, MaxZoomScale, and MinZoomScale added to Additional Properties section.

- NEW - #164 - GetDataProperty and SetDataProperty now support: MinZoomLevel, MaxZoomLevel, MinZoomScale, MaxZoomScale

- NEW - #165 - GetFontList method added.

- FIX - #167 - Drawing Text Accents would cause problems.

- FIX - #168 - Adjustments to Shape With Holes rendering.

- FIX - #169 - Rendering of character id greater than 127 would not display correctly.

- FIX - #170 - Data Monitor items were not having the Text Accent correctly initialized which could cause strange graphics to appear.

- FIX - #188 - Fixes to ClearCustomMenuItems.

- FIX - #197 - Flicker Highlight did not work when the ShapeBorderColor style property was used.