Friday, April 25, 2008

GTViewer 7.0.x.28 is Available

Version 7.0.x.28 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 04/25/08
- NEW - GTD #1003 - Export to Shapefile now supports Shape with Hole Elements.

- FIX - GTD #1004 - Export to Shapefile now forces all filenames to be upper case so that they are consistent with one another.

- FIX - GTV #1027 - Support for Shape with Holes has been added to the DGN export functionality. Shape with Hole elements are converted to linestrings.

- FIX - GTV #1028 - Complex Shapes (Type 3, Extended Style 2) with a style rule containing only a Color and no border color would draw the complex shape's border with the element's shape border color. This has been changed to use the color in the style rule if the style rules defines only a color and no border color.

- NEW - GTV #1029 - The FeatureTooltipOmitBlankValues Data Property has been added. It can be used with GetDataProperty, SetDataProperty, and in the Additional Properties section in the .GTM file.

- FIX - GTV #1030 - GT/Field did notshow icons correctly for required GPS values.

- FIX - GTV #1031 - Stroking Circles, Ellipses, and Arc could overflow some point buffer in the export to .dgn routines after the default stroke angle was reduced to 5 degrees in an earlier version.

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