Tuesday, June 27, 2006

GTViewer 5.0.x.20 is Available

Version 5.0.x.20 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 06/27/06

- NEW - Improvements to the Display Cancel mechanism (Right Mouse click during render).

- CHG - Update to the status bar progress messages.

- FIX - GT/Field did not correctly create Text element from Symbols when the SymbolAsText option was used.

- FIX - The Print Dialog's Force Black and White option was causing color fonts to display as mono-color fonts.

- CHG - Minor adjustments to roundoff error with font and symbol rendering.

- FIX - The .GTS session files did not correctly save Leader Line elements.

- NEW - GT/Field now supports:

ReadOnly property can be 1 or A (for all), E (for Edit), N (for New).

Required property can be 1 or A (for all), E (for Edit), N (for New)

List Type now uses the second proprety as the maximum history size: L0

GT/Field path and FilterString are now stored in extracts.

Captured_X and Captured_Y can be used as types with Point features.

Feature Definition and Picklist files can now be placed in sub-directories.

GTFieldAuditFile can be specified in the .GTM's Additional Properties.

GT/Field licensing has been added.

- FIX - GT/Field fixes:

Symbol to Text conversion (for edited symbols) did not account for the style scale if the height and length multipliers were default values.

GPS_X and GPS_Y are were not cleared for Point features.

Style paremeter in the Feature Definition files was defaulting to -1.

----------------------- - 06/01/06

- FIX - UpdateElement and DeleteSessionGraphicElement did not work correctly if the size of the element was 0 by 0 (no width and no height).

- FIX - DeleteSessionGraphicByKey and DrawSet2KeyLinkage did not work.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Pocket GTViewer Control for .NET Development

GTI announces a new development tool aimed at the handheld device market.

On the Desktop/Laptop platforms, GTViewer is our off-the-self viewing and analysis product. While GTViewer is easily extended with custom applications, GTI also offers the GTVx ActiveX control to provide an even greater degree of control over the development process. GTVx can be used to create standalone applications, or it can be embedded into your existing applications to provide GTViewer functionality wherever you may need it.

The same level of development control provided by GTVx is now provided for the handheld platforms (Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, and Window Mobile 5.0).

Pocket GTViewer (the off-the-shelf product for devices) provides a sophisticated interface for creating VB.NET or C# applications to extend its functionality. Our GT/Field product was developed using only this interface, and it successfully all requirements. However, users have wanted more control over this development process just as they did in the form of the GTVx control on the desktop. The key feature missing from the Pocket GTViewer interface was the ability to actually embed Pocket GTViewer into your own applications (rather than interfacing with Pocket GTViewer). This ability is now supported with the Pocket GTViewer Control.

The new Pocket GTViewer Control is a .NET control for Smart Device Applications and can be used with VB.NET or C#. While similar in concept to GTVx, the PGTVControl is a lightweight implementation geared specifically for handheld devices. It currently supports Visual Studio .NET 2003, and a Visual Studio .NET 2005 version will be supported soon. The first version of the control is a view only tool, but redline support will be available soon as well.

The control already supports a wide range of features:
  • NMEA GPS support
  • ECW Raster
  • Feature and Point Capture
  • Attribute Info
  • Display Filter
  • Queries
  • Pan
  • Zoom
  • Fit Extents

An example of the Pocket GTViewer Control in the Visual Studio .NET development environment:

Simply place a PGTV_Control on your form as shown above.

Very little code is required in your application to get the control running:

OpenFileDialog fileDlg = new OpenFileDialog();

fileDlg.Filter = "GTViewer files (*.gtx)*.gtx";

if (fileDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
g_pgtv.OpenFile(fileDlg.FileName, "");


This C# example (VB.NET is very similar) illustrates how well the Pocket GTViewer Control integrates with Visual Studio. Most of the code here is getting the file name to open with a standard .NET OpenFileDialog. Invocation of the OpenFile and ActivateZoomMode methods in the Pocket GTViewer Control are the only lines needed to get a fully functional viewing component in your Windows Mobile application.

The final result will look like the screenshot below:

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Blog postings have been a bit slow over the last few weeks, but this doesn’t mean software development has stopped. In fact, it means very much the opposite. This posting will be brief, but I will take some time to show off some of the new stuff.

GT/Field now runs on both GTViewer and Pocket GTViewer. GT/Field is a parameter driven add-on for GTViewer and Pocket GTViewer to facilitate the collection of data. Such data might be field inventory, pole or valve inspections, joint-use identification, GPS point collection or rectification, etc.

Data collection with GTViewer and Pocket GTViewer is not new. What makes GT/Field different is that it does NOT require any development or programming to use. Simply define what fields you want to capture for which features and you are ready to go.

GT/Field was developed first for Pocket GTViewer since the handheld device is an ideal platform for data collection; however, the need to collect data is just as important for GTViewer on laptops.

The following screenshots are showing test features, but hopefully they will illustrate the simplicity and effectiveness of the approach.

GT/Field for Pocket GTViewer

GT/Field for GTViewer