Tuesday, March 25, 2008

GTViewer version 7.0.x.27 is Available

Version 7.0.x.27 of GTViewer is available.

----------------------- - 03/25/08

- FIX - GTV #1014 - Feature Tooltips would not work on unselectable categories.

- NEW - GTV #1015 - Freehand support added to Post SHP (don't specify table name to get all session graphics with no embedded data).

- NEW - GTV #1016 - Post CSV is now supported. Must define type as CSV and specify a table name.

- NEW - GTV #1017 - Posting of elements with no embedded data will now be tagged so that they are not posted repeated with using Cleanup Mode 2.

- FIX - GTVX #1018 - When SetAddElementRedrawMode is set back to 1, it did not clear any cached elements and they would not draw until the view is rerendered.

- FIX - GTV #1019 - Flicker Highlight did not work when the ShapeBorderColor style property was used.

- NEW - GTV #1020 - Copy Highlighted Element to Session will now integrate any style rule information into the copied element along with the Highlight color.

- NEW - GTV #1021 - Embedded Styles for Highlighted Element to Session graphics.

- FIX - GTV #1022 - Element ranges for Highlighted elements using a dynamic style were not computed correctly.

- NEW - GTV #1024 - New capture modes added to GT/Field: Point_With_Confirmation, Line, Area.

- FIX - GTV #1025 - Separator line on Feature Tooltip would sometime be added at the end unecessarily.

- NEW - GTV #1026 - In GT/Field, a captured point is rendered when the Edit form is displayed.

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