Thursday, July 09, 2009

GTViewer version 8.0.x.49 is Available

GTViewer version 8.0.x.49 is available.

----------------------- - 7/8/09

- NEW - #5910 - The Attribute Info dialog now supports a Ctrl-P to print the active tab. A Print button has also been added to the dialog.

- NEW - #5912 - ToolBoxes 6 through 10 have been added.

- NEW - #5913 - ActivateZoomMode, ActivateInfoMode, ActivatePanMode, FitData, FitSessionGraphics, ActivateDisplayFilter, ActivateOverviewMode, ActivateMagnifyMode, ActivateMeasureMode, ActivateGpsDialog, ToggleKeepGpsIndicatorInView, and GotoPreviousView commands have been added to the ToolBox Command Action.

- CHG - #5914 - Toolboxes now use Blue for Display related states and Orange for Modes.

- FIX - #5915 - Toolboxes did not initialize the button state color when turned on from the Tools menu.

- NEW - #5916 - Button Height can now be defined for ToolBox buttons.

- NEW - #5917 - UseDescriptionForLinkMenuItems option added to Additional Properties section to allow the description of the Link to be displayed on the Right Mouse menu instead of the filename.

- NEW - #5918 - ActivateGpsReferencePointDialog, ClearGpsReferencePoint, ActivateGpsReferencePointPlacement.

- NEW - #5919 - AutoGpsRefPointMode entry has been added to Additional Properties section of the .GTM file. 0 is default, 1 is always use ref point on locate, and 2 is never use ref point on locate.

- FIX - #5924 - The first record in the sorted index (.idx) would not be returned when multiple records with the same keys were found.

- CHG - #5935 - UpdateElementSetText will now pad the new text element with spaces instead of nul characters if the new text string is shorter than the existing one.

- NEW - #5953 - PostCloseMessage entries are now supported in the General Info section to allow a message to be displayed when a document is closed.

----------------------- - 6/17/09

- NEW - #5901 - Post Copy action will create the output directory if it doesn't exists.

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