Friday, July 24, 2009

GTViewer version Available

GTViewer version is available.

----------------------- - 7/24/09

- NEW - #5961 - The New Session dialog now supports 15 items in its history (instead of 10), and a Clear button has been added to clear out the file history.

- NEW - #5962 - New Command-Line flags added: -Loc, -Preset, -Raster, -Emph, -Track. - FIX - #5963 - If the Open Last file option is on, the command-line file parameter would get ignored.

- NEW - #5964 - ToolBox Actions have been added for KeepGpsIndicatorInViewOn and KeepGpsIndicatorInViewOff.

- NEW - #5965 - Session Data Info support added. New Methods: AddSessionDataInfo, ClearSessionDataInfo, RemoveSessionDataInfo, GetSessionDataInfo.

- FIX - #5968 - Default Toolbox position was not correct.

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