Tuesday, April 14, 2009

GTViewer version is Available

GTViewer version is available.

----------------------- - 4/13/09

- FIX - #5751 - Clipping Problems with Shape with Hole element have been fixed. Probably only seen when printing large Shape with hole elements that are filled and mostly out of the view.

- FIX - #5754 - Elements using UDLS style with alternate colors defined would show up in color when the Force Black and White was used with Printing.

- FIX - #5756 - The ActivateCaptureLineMode would keep the reference point as part of the line when the right mouse click was used to finish the line.

- CHG - #5757 - Change to ActivateCaptureCircleMode so that the initial point does not fire the 603 event.

- FIX - #5758 - Soft button panel did not display for ActivateCaptureLineMode.

- CHG - #5759 - Indicator point has been added to ActivateCaptureAreaMode.

- CHG - #5760 - CapturePointWithConfirmation mode will now accept the right mouse click as a Finish (like the Line and Area capture modes).

- NEW - #5761 - Message 208 has been added to indicate that a new session graphics element has been drawn (interactive).

- NEW - #5762 - Message 209 has been added to indicate that a new feature was placed as a result of a vertex edit.

- NEW - #5763 - Message 210 has been added to indicate that interactively drawn element will be immediately drawn. The PreWriteData, PreWriteKey1, and PreWriteKey2 data properties have also be added.

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