Thursday, July 12, 2012

GTMetaExp version is Available

Version of the GT/Metadata Explorer is available.

Version 2.0 of the GT/MetaData Explorer is for GTech version 10.
Version 1.0 of the GT/MetaData Explorer is for GTech version 9.
----------- - 7/10/12

- CHG - #7058 - Setup changed to not delivery any Oracle Dlls.  



- NEW - #6795 - Find function has been added to search all legend entries for a
                particular string.

- FIX - #6856 - Installation was asking for .NET Framework 4.0 Client instead
                of the full .NET Framwork.

- FIX - #6857 - Installation was not setting the icon on the GTMetaExp item
                under the start menu.

- FIX - #6858 - Data Provider removed from the Connection Tab.

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