Friday, November 30, 2012

GTViewer version is Available

GTViewer version is available.

----------------------- - 11/30/12

- CHG - #7085 - Symbol Element using Standard Symbol fonts will now ignore justification settings (since they were not supported anyway).

- NEW - #7087 - DefaultPreset entry is now supported in Additional Properties section of the .GTM file.

- NEW - #7094 - AddOn Support Added.
- NEW - #7095 - GetDataRange method added.
- FIX - #7097 - The FromLatLong and ToLatLong Methods were not recognizing the LatLongFlag property.

- NEW - #7098 - Data Monitor Symbol support add with DMSetSymbolProperties, DMAddSymbolByKey, and DMAddSymbolById.

- CHG - #7100 - The DataSetId property for GetDataProperty  has been returned to return the default value if the DataSetId entry is not defined in the .GTM file.  The default value is the name of the parent .GTM or .GTX file.  

- NEW - #7102 - New methods:  AddFont, AddTrueTypeFont, RemoveFont, IsFontAvailable, GetNextAvailableFontId. 

----------------------- - 08/14/12

- NEW - #7072 - GetAttributeData method and its variants now support a mode 3 which will return the real attribute name pipe delimited with the altername name for all attributes.

- NEW - #7081 - Support for Session Graphics in .GTW files.

- NEW - #7083 - Feature and Feature/Component lists in the Feature Count Options.

- NEW - #7084 - The Separator External Application type has been added to provide menu separators to the Query and Applications menus, as well as a Query separator Query Type for the Query Menu.

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