Friday, May 08, 2009

GTViewer version 8.0.x.37 is Available

GTViewer version 8.0.x.37 is available.

----------------------- - 5/08/09

- CHG - #5792 - Feature Tooltip display time increased to 30 seconds.

- CHG - #5805 - The maximum number of prompts with QueryInitialize was changed from 10 to 50.

- NEW - #5806 - LocateXY added as a Toolbox Command.

- CHG - #5807 - Default position for Toolbox moved down to be under the toolbars.

- FIX - #5808 - Problem with the 5th Toolbox being defined.

- NEW - #5809 - ActivateCapture2PointLine method has been added.

- NEW - #5810 - The GTViewer.dll .NET Assembly is now delivered.

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