Monday, November 29, 2010

GTViewer is Available

GTViewer version is available.

This version is the official release of GTViewer version 10.

----------------------- - 11/29/10

- NEW - #6581 - Dynamic Graphic ocumentation added.

----------------------- - 11/23/10

- FIX - #6576 - FillOffForRaster was not working correctly when Dynamic Graphics Actions were being processed.

- FIX - #6578 - Updates to the MRU file list so that that opened files properly added to the list.

- NEW - #6579 - Dynamic Graphics interface delivered as a custom component in the Installshield setup.

----------------------- - 11/18/10

- NEW - #6572 - GPS Components are now available as an Optional Component in the Custom Setup options with the Installshield setup.

- NEW - #6573 - Online Help files updated.

- CHG - #6574 - Demo Dataset has been updated and is also not installed by default. It can still be selected under the Custom Setup option.

----------------------- - 11/17/10

- FIX - #6565 - Label Size for Dynamic Graphics has been changed to a double to handle larger values when computing pixel sizes for lat/long projections.

- FIX - #6566 - Fill Off For Raster setting was prevent mask feature in Dynamic Graphics functionality from drawing.

- FIX - #6567 - Problems with Magnify mode and Dynamic Graphics element in emphasize mode.

- FIX - #6568 - Shapefile export will now support Style Origins for Text Elements using Symbol fonts.

- CHG - #6570 - GetFeatureList will now skip records for mode 1 if the GIS feature is blank and skip records for mode 2 if the GIS feature or GIS component is blank.

----------------------- - 11/9/10

- FIX - #6552 - The highlight list and cache were not updated after a Dynamic Graphics Action was deleted.

- FIX - #6553 - Dynamic Graphics kept the previous highlight if DMRestoreDefault reverted back to an empty action list.

- CHG - #6556 - Label Size for Dynamic Graphics will now defaults to Master Units, but can be specified in Text Element units using: Text:. Fixed Size mode is now specified in Pixels as the unit.

- NEW - #6561 - PresetGetPresetIdEx, PresetAvailableListEx,and PresetActivateEx methods have been added to access user-defined presets.

- NEW - #6562 - PresetGetAvailableList added.

- FIX - #6563 - The + and - keys where corresponding to the MouseWheelIncrement direction which was not correct. The + should always zoom in, and the - should always zoom out.

- FIX - #6564 - About Dialog was showing a menu bar at the top.


----------------------- - 10/04/10

- NEW - #6501 - DataSetId can now be retrieved with GetDataProperty.

- NEW - #6508 - GTI_DG.Length and GTI_DG.Area variable are now supported for Dynamic Graphic Expressions.

- NEW - #6509 - Expression support for Custom Attribute Tab Definitions.

- NEW - #6510 - Expression support for Feature Tooltip Definitions.

- NEW - #6513 - CHR function added to expression evaluator.

- FIX - #6515 - Expression Evaluator was not handling Unary Minus correctly in several situations.

- FIX - #6517 - Expression Evaluation was not handling double values correctly with the IN operator.

- FIX - #6519 - Lpad and Rpad functions were not handling the pad string correctly when it contained more than 1 character.

- NEW - #6522 - Pretty function added to expression evaluator.

- FIX - #6524 - Expression Evaluator was not handling nested expressions correctly if functions with more than one parameter were used as a parameters.

- FIX - #6527 - Expression containing internal parentheses and commas in literal strings could cause problem with the expression parsing.

- FIX - #6547 - Highlighting elements where some had weight overrides and priority style values greater than 0 would cause the weight override to sometimes not display.

- FIX - #6548 - Preventing of the duplicate draw of dynamic graphic elements on the screen and the backing store.

- FIX - #6549 - Preventing of the duplicate draw of dynamic graphic elements on the screen and the backing store.

----------------------- - 10/04/10

- NEW - #6495 - Custom Raster support.

- NEW - #6498 - The LoadDefaultStyleInfo method has been added to restore the default style definition, style map, and linestyle definition informaiton.

- NEW - #6500 - Toolboxes now support the LoadDefaultStyleInfo command.

----------------------- - 10/01/10

- FIX - #6496 - If an elements style id was set greater than 7 (could be done with FME), then GTViewer could have problems with the element.

- CHG - #6497 - The GpsMaxZoomLevel functionality has been modified so that the zoom is not applied until the first GPS Update.

----------------------- - 09/27/10

- FIX - #6490 - Using the command-line option -query with -GpsOn would result in an invalid previous location if no records were found and the query is cancelled.

- NEW - #6491 - The Info1 and Info2 properties were added to the Dynamic Graphics Action items.

----------------------- - 09/23/10

- NEW - #6458 - The Favorite Preset can now be a user preset as well as a fixed preset.

- NEW - #6460 - Dynamic Graphics functionality added.

- FIX - #6465 - Dynamic Highlight was not closing temp file when using a GTX file. This prevent an internal session from being saved.

- FIX - #6466 - Redline elements that are placed with several thresholded style rules were computing the index range using zoom level 1. You can now set a RedlineStyleZoomLevel entry in the [Additional Properties] section of the .GTM file to specify which zoom level will be used when computing ranges for redline graphics.

- FIX - #6467 - ImportSessionGraphics did not initialize the Style Rules before importing.

- NEW - #6468 - Feature Tooltip will now support embedded data.

- NEW - #6469 - LineStyleDefinitionFileScaleFactor and StyleDefinitionFileScaleFactor entries have been added to the [General Info] section to scale the linestyle and style as a whole.

- NEW - #6470 - Component Name and Feature Name fields from the GIS: tag are now supported.

- FIX - #6473 - Closing the document before the Attribute Info dialog could cause problems when the unhighlight code is executed on the non-existent view.

- NEW - #6474 - AutoReverseHighlightColor added to the Data Properties. Defaults to 1, if set to 0, Highlight features of the same color will not reverse the color.

- NEW - #6476 - Message 600 added to indicate that the zoom level has changed.

- NEW - #6477 - GpsMaxZoomLevel added to the Additional Properties section to specify the maximum zoom level when the Gps is started. If the zoom level is greater than the specified value, the zoom level will be adjusted.

- NEW - #6478 - Highlighting can now internally support a linestyle style id override.

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