Friday, November 11, 2011

GTVx version 11 is Released!

Version of GTVx is available.

----------------------- - 11/11/11

- NEW - #6902 - Documentation updates.

----------------------- - 11/07/11

- FIX - #6892 - Export to Shapefile was not converting Arc Elements correctly.

- CHG - #6895 - The GIS: tags in the filter file descriptions will no longer use the colon (:) as a delimiter.

- NEW - #6898 - New Method: GetFilterListFromFeatureString

- NEW - #6900 - The Name() tag is now supported by the filter and feature string descriptions to search for Filter Name, Feature Name, Feature Num, Component Name, Component Num, and Style Name by wildcarded strings when selecting filter ids.

----------------------- - 10/29/11

- FIX - #6852 - The Current View Filter on the the Display Filter Dialog was allowing you to change the status of filter ids that were
thresholded off. You shouldn't be able to change these and if you turned them off, it would be confusing since they would disappear at the threshold they should be displayed at.

- NEW - #6853 - Current View Filter will now show the Min and Max thresholds for each filter id.

- NEW - #6864 - Support for embedded data with Dynamic Graphics.

- FIX - #6869 - Complex Linestring would not render the standard linestyle correctly when specified in a style rule.

- NEW - #6884 - Style Definition/Mapping info is now stored in the session, if it is changed.

- NEW - #6885 - Feature Tooltips will now support Dynamic Graphics items.

- NEW - #6886 - New Methods: HighlightSetLinkageInfo and HighlightClearLinkageInfo.

- NEW - #6887 - The Attribute Info dialog will now show Feature Tooltip and Dynamic Graphics info on the Element Tab.

- FIX - #6888 - The GetGisInfoFromFilterId method was not returning the correct information.

- FIX - #6889 - GetDisplayFilterString will now longer return filter ids for group entries.

----------------------- - 9/22/11

- NEW - #6838 - Additional Logging added to QueryInitialize.

- NEW - #6842 - Multi-Category Support for basic Query Types.

- FIX - #6845 - When opening a .gtx file, the style id in the style definitions could be ignored in certain situations.

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