Version of GTVx is available.
This is a long post on GTVx update because we having made on a post on it in a while.
This is a long post on GTVx update because we having made on a post on it in a while.
----------------------- - 6/11/14
- NEW - #7260 - IgnoreDataIdForLinks was added to Additional Properties section and to the Get and SetDataProperty methods.
- FIX - #7273 - Dynamic Graphics was not working correctly with encrypted data.
- FIX - #7279 - Composite Group elements (extended Style id = 1, 2, or 3) were not correctly handling having no Style Rule.
- FIX - #7280 - Composite Linestring and shapes(Group Type 1 and Type 2) were not respecting the DisplayWeightThreshold or DisplayStyleThresholds.
- FIX - #7286 - Right Mouse menu pops up if the right mouse menu was up when a shape or line was canceled with right mouse button.
- FIX - #7288 - The Dynamic Graphics Highlight Fill option did not work on elements who style defined the fill status.
- NEW - #7293 - Queries will now support HighlightMode 2 which will not highlight.
- FIX - #7303 - Placing Text Redlines with multiple lines could truncate each line to the size of the first line.
- FIX - #7309 - ECW Raster files with more than 3 color bands were causing problems.
- NEW - #7314 - New method GetCatFilterListFromFeaStr.
- NEW - #7316 - New methods for Expression Evaluation: ExpStateReset, ExpStateAddValue, ExpStateGetValue, ExpEvaluate, ExpValidate, ExpStateGetValueType, ExpStateGetInfo, ExpStateLoadElementData, ExpStateLoadTabularData.
- FIX - #7327 - Mouse Wheel Zoom did not work when using dual screens where the primary monitor is on the right screen and the map view is on the left screen.
- FIX - #7344 - The absolute token in the Link definitions was not working correctly.
- FIX - #7346 - The filter map for Export to DGN was sometimes using a dashed line for stroked symbols and text elements when they should have been solid lines.
- FIX - #7379 - FRAMME Reference features were not correctly being de-referenced.
- NEW - #7386 - PresetChanged event and SendPresetChangedEvent data property added.
- NEW - #7387 - SetSelectSymbolGroup method added.
- FIX - #7388 - The Update Preset button did not refresh the Preset list with selected presets indicated.
- NEW - #7390 - PresetGetCurrentState method added.
- FIX - #7395 - ASCII to Element conversion was treating Arc 64 elements as it its components were integers. Used by the Saving session as .GTS functionality.
- NEW - #7401 - New Event: ClearAllSessionGraphics
- FIX - #7416 - The ToLatLong and FromLatLong methods were not working with Custom Coordinate systems.
- FIX - #7434 - AlwayHideRaster was not working correctly. It would sometimes be used when it wasn't set.
- FIX - #7435 - Fixes to the ECW Rendering that could cause some files not to display and lines in printing.
----------------------- - 8/21/13
- FIX - #7258 - Invert a Dynamic Graphic element's color if the color is the same as the background.
----------------------- - 8/02/13
- FIX - #7253 - Count for Dynamic Graphics was not working on the Detail Dialog for Info and Locate if the values were no longer visible in the view.
----------------------- - 7/26/13
- CHG - #7121 - The Unit label associated with Length in feature counting is now put in the column header instead of each record.
- FIX - #7131 - Dynamic Graphics Mask was not filled when emphasize mode was on.
- FIX - #7132 - The Mask option with Dynamic Graphics was not supporting the Allow Emphasize option correctly.
- FIX - #7136 - Draw Text dialog string process changed to match GTViewer's and will no longer leave a trailing carriage return.
- FIX - #7148 - The Dimension Element dialog showed the Label orientation as Left/Top and Right/Bottom. They should be Right/Top and Left/Bottom.
- FIX - #7152 - When Drawing a Shape, the Right Mouse menu would display when using the Rightmouse button to close the shape.
- NEW - #7154 - The zoom level for style select for Print can be specified now with the Print Property.
- FIX - #7155 - Decryption mechanism was not fully implemented.
- NEW - #7156 - GetFeatureTooltipDef and RemoveFeatureTooltip methods added.
- NEW - #7157 - Get Total Length button added to the Highlight/Thematic Query dialog.
- NEW - #7160 - New Methods: GetTabularDataFilename, GetFilterFilename,GetCategoryGraphicsFilename
- NEW - #7162 - InitializeGetIntersecting and GetNextIntersecting methods have been added.
- FIX - #7182 - Placing Session Graphics Text that uses a style rule to change the font id, has been modified to use the style rule font so that the interactive display of the font is correct.
- CHG - #7185 - Mouse Wheel Zoom is now center on mouse cursor for non-rotated views.
- NEW - #7186 - The DMUpdateBitmapByFilterId method has been added.
- NEW - #7192 - The PresetGetAvailableList method added to GTVx to match the method of that name in GTViewer.
- NEW - #7193 - GetExtractFilename, GetSessionFilename, GetExtractFilename methods added to match GTViewer.
- NEW - #7197 - View History now stored in Session data.
- NEW - #7198 - New Method: CloseFile
- NEW - #7199 - The Location History dialog from GTViewer has been added and is displayed with the ActivateLocationHistoryDialog method.
- NEW - #7201 - The UserInteraction Data Property has been added to enable to disable user input to the control.
- FIX - #7209 - DrawClearAll was not setting the file modified flag.
- NEW - #7224 - The CompactLabelMode Print Property was added.
- NEW - #7246 - Feature Counting will now support Dynamic Graphics elements.
- NEW - #7247 - The By Feature and By Feature Component options added to the Feature Count Options dialog.
- NEW - #7248 - The Info and Save options have been added to the Count Details dialog.
- NEW - #7249 - Attribute Info Dialog will now show Override Info on Element tab.
- NEW - #7250 - Attribute Info Dialog will now show the Style Definition Id and Style Name Map info on Element Tab.
- NEW - #7251 - FromLatLong, ToLatLong, and CoordinateConversionAvailable methods have been add. These methods are supported by the CoorSys, CoordSysParam1, and CoorSysParam2 entries in the Additional Properties section of the .GTM.
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