Friday, March 22, 2024

GTech Loader version is Available

GTech Loader version

----------- - 3/22/24

- NEW - #8541 - Added support to GTI_StyleNumber to expressions (Style Name Expression, Filter Expression, etc.).

- NEW - #8542 - GTech_Styles - Added support for Additional Instruction File to add Style Number to stylename from a list and provided a means for future processing of the Style Info on export.

- NEW - #8545 - GTech_Styles -  Added Count label for Filtered Style List.

- NEW - #8546 - GTech_Styles -  Added Copy Add SNo Instruction button to get Instruction List for Filtered styles and save on clipboard.

- NEW - #8547 - GTech_Styles -  Command-Line version of app upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8

- NEW - #8579 - Make the String Comparison Configurable (case-sensitive or not case-sensitive) in the Style Rules Expressions.

- FIX - #8583 - The default token (fonts.txt) for the Common Font File property was not working correctly. 

- NEW - #8584 - Total Records processed added to Command-Line form output and teh GUI form.

- NEW - #8586 - The version number was added to the Command-line form title bar.

----------- - 8/16/23

- NEW - #8497 - The GTI_ComponentName attribute added to the Graphic Conversion Expression (like Filter Expression).

- FIX - #8498 - The GTI_LegendName and GTI_PaperScale properties were not populated for expression use.

- NEW - #8499 - The Default Filter Expression property was added to the General Setup page.

- FIX - #8503 - The Instr function for expression was return a string type where an integer was expected.

- NEW - #8508 - Updated to use the Cross-Platform Expression Engine.

- NEW - #8510 - The GTech_Style app had a new Copy Def button to copy the style definition that appear in the Filtered list.

- FIX - #8511 - The GTech Styles app was not using the background color when the style definition  was -3. for TextBoxFillColor.

- FIX - #8512 - When the Common font file name is set to "fonts.txt", it was not reading/saving the file in the output directory.

----------- - 7/18/23

- FIX - #8492 - The Common Font File setting was not being saved in the configuration file (.ini).

- FIX - #8493 - The General Setup dialog cut off the bottom of the OK and Cancel buttons.

----------- - 6/22/23

- FIX - #8485 - The Tolerance for determining if an angle was 90 degrees or greater was 0.01, and was missing some very close 90 degree angles when determing whether or not to flip align and direction for text.  This tolerance has been increased to 0.5 degrees and appears to solve the problem.

- UPD - Updated GTFilterMod.exe, GTFilterUpd.exe, and GTIndex.exe to current versions.

----------- - 2/15/23

- NEW - #8380 - Support for Right Angle symbol in dimensions.

----------- - 10/5/22

- FIX - #8341 - The wait cursor did not show the first time Tabular Setup was used.

----------- - 9/14/22

- FIX - #8322 - If a Label element was greater than the maximum GTViewer text size (1024), the element would still be produced and cause problems with GTViewer and tools like GTIndex, GTGetKeys, etc.
- UPD - #8323 - Update of all GTData tools in the Apps directory.

----------- - 8/29/22

- FIX - #8322 - If a Label element was greater than the maximum GTViewer text size (1024), the element would still be produced and cause problems with GTViewer and tools like GTIndex, GTGetKeys, etc.

- UPD - #8323 - Update of all GTData tools in the Apps directory.

----------- - 6/28/22

- NEW - #8309 - Rebranded with new Corporate Logos and Images.

----------- - 01/11/22

- NEW - #8259 Support for Radius 2 Point Dimension Elements.

----------- - 12/06/21

- FIX - #8255 - Problem when Dimension Element metadata had NULLs for Problem when Dimension Element metadata had NULLs for G3E_DIMTEXTPOS, G3E_DIMTEXTOFFSETX , G3E_DIMTEXTOFFSETY  and G3E_REVLINEEXT.

----------- - 7/26/21

- FIX - #8239 - Label Features were not respecting the LCID for the g3e_content string. Switched to use g3e_LabelFilters_optable instead of g3e_label.

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