Friday, March 22, 2024

GTech Loader version is Available

GTech Loader version

----------- - 3/22/24

- NEW - #8541 - Added support to GTI_StyleNumber to expressions (Style Name Expression, Filter Expression, etc.).

- NEW - #8542 - GTech_Styles - Added support for Additional Instruction File to add Style Number to stylename from a list and provided a means for future processing of the Style Info on export.

- NEW - #8545 - GTech_Styles -  Added Count label for Filtered Style List.

- NEW - #8546 - GTech_Styles -  Added Copy Add SNo Instruction button to get Instruction List for Filtered styles and save on clipboard.

- NEW - #8547 - GTech_Styles -  Command-Line version of app upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8

- NEW - #8579 - Make the String Comparison Configurable (case-sensitive or not case-sensitive) in the Style Rules Expressions.

- FIX - #8583 - The default token (fonts.txt) for the Common Font File property was not working correctly. 

- NEW - #8584 - Total Records processed added to Command-Line form output and teh GUI form.

- NEW - #8586 - The version number was added to the Command-line form title bar.

----------- - 8/16/23

- NEW - #8497 - The GTI_ComponentName attribute added to the Graphic Conversion Expression (like Filter Expression).

- FIX - #8498 - The GTI_LegendName and GTI_PaperScale properties were not populated for expression use.

- NEW - #8499 - The Default Filter Expression property was added to the General Setup page.

- FIX - #8503 - The Instr function for expression was return a string type where an integer was expected.

- NEW - #8508 - Updated to use the Cross-Platform Expression Engine.

- NEW - #8510 - The GTech_Style app had a new Copy Def button to copy the style definition that appear in the Filtered list.

- FIX - #8511 - The GTech Styles app was not using the background color when the style definition  was -3. for TextBoxFillColor.

- FIX - #8512 - When the Common font file name is set to "fonts.txt", it was not reading/saving the file in the output directory.

----------- - 7/18/23

- FIX - #8492 - The Common Font File setting was not being saved in the configuration file (.ini).

- FIX - #8493 - The General Setup dialog cut off the bottom of the OK and Cancel buttons.

----------- - 6/22/23

- FIX - #8485 - The Tolerance for determining if an angle was 90 degrees or greater was 0.01, and was missing some very close 90 degree angles when determing whether or not to flip align and direction for text.  This tolerance has been increased to 0.5 degrees and appears to solve the problem.

- UPD - Updated GTFilterMod.exe, GTFilterUpd.exe, and GTIndex.exe to current versions.

----------- - 2/15/23

- NEW - #8380 - Support for Right Angle symbol in dimensions.

----------- - 10/5/22

- FIX - #8341 - The wait cursor did not show the first time Tabular Setup was used.

----------- - 9/14/22

- FIX - #8322 - If a Label element was greater than the maximum GTViewer text size (1024), the element would still be produced and cause problems with GTViewer and tools like GTIndex, GTGetKeys, etc.
- UPD - #8323 - Update of all GTData tools in the Apps directory.

----------- - 8/29/22

- FIX - #8322 - If a Label element was greater than the maximum GTViewer text size (1024), the element would still be produced and cause problems with GTViewer and tools like GTIndex, GTGetKeys, etc.

- UPD - #8323 - Update of all GTData tools in the Apps directory.

----------- - 6/28/22

- NEW - #8309 - Rebranded with new Corporate Logos and Images.

----------- - 01/11/22

- NEW - #8259 Support for Radius 2 Point Dimension Elements.

----------- - 12/06/21

- FIX - #8255 - Problem when Dimension Element metadata had NULLs for Problem when Dimension Element metadata had NULLs for G3E_DIMTEXTPOS, G3E_DIMTEXTOFFSETX , G3E_DIMTEXTOFFSETY  and G3E_REVLINEEXT.

----------- - 7/26/21

- FIX - #8239 - Label Features were not respecting the LCID for the g3e_content string. Switched to use g3e_LabelFilters_optable instead of g3e_label.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

GTViewer version BETA is Available


GTViewer 20 BETA version is available.   

If your Beta version has expired, .11 and .12 have a new expiration date.

This update has several fixes plus the ability to have External Apps with sizable dialogs.

----------------------- - 01/29/24

- FIX - #8590 - Reading session graphics from a .GTX or .GTS  or importing a .GTG  would sometimes lose elements because of a type conversion issue.  The problem depended on the part of the design plane the session graphics were in.

----------------------- - 01/02/24

- FIX - #8539 - Adjustment to the External Application dialog to better fit existing app without making changings.  The new dialog frames are thinner and  made the existing apps too large.

- NEW - #8540 - External Apps can now use resizable dialogs (flag set to 1 in External App entry).  A new Event (800) will send the new width and height to external app.

- NEW - #8543 - Added additional logging for the Links using URLEXP.

- NEW - #8578 - Added ResetExternalApps command to the AddProp.ini support so any existing External App Definitions can be removed.

- FIX - #8581 - The Feature Name for picklists would sometimes be blank if the metadata didn't have a user component name, but had a feature name (as it is with FME generated data).   It will now default to the feature name.

- FIX - #8582 - If in Proximity Search Mode, and the Proximity Search Mode on the toolbar button was pressed again, it would get stuck and not show the Radius indicator.

Friday, November 17, 2023

GTViewer version BETA is Available


GTViewer 20 BETA version is available.  

----------------------- - 11/17/23

- FIX - #8537 - The Export View to DGN and Export Graphics to DGN were failing on Text elements.

- FIX - #8538 - Problem with moving elements placed near the edge of the design plane more than a long integer.

----------------------- - 11/09/23

- NEW - #8534 - The GetCustomSettings and ProcessCustomSetting methods have been added to support the Proximity Builder Add-On.

- FIX - #8535 - The "Long" label in the Locate XY dialog when using one of the Lat/Long modes was too large to fit on the dialog.

- FIX - #8536 - If the Label size was a decimal value, it would crash.

----------------------- - 10/20/23

- NEW - #8531 - If any child dialog is off the screen when activated, it will attempt to move its position to the upper/left corner of the view.   This functionality was tried in GTViewer 15 and then removed.  This version works differently.

- CHG - #8532 - By default, the Presets no longer change the min/max threshold values.  The old method can still be used by adding UseOnlyStatusFromPresets=0 to the Additional Properties section of the .GTM.

- FIX - #8533 - The ToolBox ActivateDisplayFilter action now shows the Display Manager.  ActivateDisplayManager action name also supported.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

GTViewer 20 Beta version is Available


GTViewer 20 BETA version is available.  

----------------------- - 10/12/23

- NEW - #8525 - Proximity Seach now supports Session Graphics (redline) elements.

- NEW - #8526 - Logging Level, App Path, and AddOns added to Log File Header.

- FIX - #8529 - Display Manager would crash if a Dynamic Graphics was not valid

- FIX - #8530 - Depending on the part of the design plane, session graphics would not get drawn (they would disappear after drawing).   A casting issue was causing this and has been fixed.

Friday, September 29, 2023

GTViewer 20 BETA version is Available for testing


GTViewer 20 BETA version is available.  Mostly fixes, but a few new things as well.

----------------------- - 9/26/23

- FIX - #8517 - The CA_Attr entries were sensitive to spaces around the property values when using the Exp() option.

- NEW - #8520 - Style Definitions can use the <style name> entry as the first property to copy the specified style's properties to the new style, then any additional properties can override those. The referenced style must already be defined.

- NEW - #8522 - FeatureNameDefaultSeparator entry added to allow a customized separator between feature and component when useing FeatureNameMode 2.

- FIX - #8524 - GetRawEmbeddedData, GetRawEmbeddedData1 and XML Graphic export (for text and dimension elements) were failing because the string copy was not updated correctly for the new safe string copy method.

----------------------- - 9/18/23

- FIX - #8480 - If Session Graphics are imported that contain text using DFN fonts with non-printable character codes, but a true type font is defined, then the characters are substituted with '*'.

- CHG - #8486 - Changes to the MrSID Rendering to improve performance.

- CHG - #8487 - Minor performance improvements to the Point in Polygon Test.

- FIX - #8489 - The Splash skip keys to skip splash have been removed because they interfere with some complex OLE Automation controls in External Apps (like AutoSuggest on Text Boxes).

- FIX - #8505 - The Where Am I would add invalid items if the Feature String was not valid for a WAI definition.

- FIX - #8510 - The Custom Attribute Tab entries (CA_*) would not work in the .GTM file (but would if in a LoadSupplementalFile).

- FIX - #8513 - If the CA_Feature used the name of an existing Custom Attribute Tab, it would just continue adding Attributes items to the last valid custom tab.

- NEW - #8516 - Expression engine upgraded to the mult-platform version which includes several fixes and enhancements including Frist function and support for "." in attribute names without brackets and wildcarded table name in [<table>.<attr>] syntax.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

A new GTViewer version 20 Beta is Available


A new GTViewer version 20 BETA is Available. Version has several fixes and changes since the last Beta, plus a lot of new documentation (including GTVConfig.doc).

Most of the changes were with the Custom Feature Names for the Right-Mouse menu, Feature Picklists, and Attribute Info Dialog Titles. 

If you have a valid GTViewer license, you can get the Beta.   I encourage everyone to try it so we can find any issues now and get this new version released.

----------------------- - 6/5/23

- FIX - #8459 - Short Cut Keys for Redo were not working (Ctrl-Y and Ctrl-Shift-Z).

- FIX - #8461 - Detail Range Files that used Real World Coordinates (mode 1) would not work for Extracts.

- NEW - #8462 - Added Keystroke Summary under Help.

- FIX - #8463 - Fixed the Shift-F1 accelerator keys for Context Help.

- CHG - #8464 - Changed help to use a PDF file instead of an HTM file.  

- FIX - #8472 - The new Custom Icon feature with the Query entries in the .GTM file were not backward compatible with older version of GTViewer if no group is used.   The QueryCustomIcon entry has been added and can specify the icon on the following line.

- NEW - #8473 - Expressions will now allow "[*.Attr]" to use the first Attribute of that name it find for any table, or attribute without a table.

- NEW - #8474 - Expressions now support First() function.  Will return the first String parameters value that is not blank from the list of expression parameters.

- NEW - #8475 - Feature Tooltip Expressions now have access to stock metadata attribtures from features (feature, component, style, category, etc.).

- CHG - #8476 - Default FeatureNameMode changed to 2 (Feature : Component).

- CHG - #8477 - PROX entry changed to CUSTOM.  Settings Changes:  Name1 to ProxName, Name2 to PickName, Name3 to AttrInfoName, Info to ProxInfo, Mode to ProxMode,  Priority to ProxPriority, Separator2 to PickSeparator, Separator3 to AttrInfoSeparator.

- CHG - #8478 - FeatureNameMode now applies to all features unless they are defined with a Feature Specific entry or if the DefaultFeatureNameExp entry is provided.

- FIX - #8479 - Pdf Help file wasn't working when there were spaces in the Product Path.

Friday, April 28, 2023

GTViewer for Windows Version 20 - Beta Preview

GTViewer for Windows Version 20 is almost ready for Beta Testing.   This video gives an overview of what's new.

Version 20 has a lot of new features and has upgraded libraries for Raster and Coordinate Projections.  It also has changed to a Tabbed View architecture. will need some testing.

If you are interested in trying out the Beta when it becomes available, contact support.