Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ten Sail Consulting Smallworld Symposium

April 26-27 in Tampa immediately following GITA's Annual Conference.

Symposium - Program of Events

Keynote Abstract - The Role of Mobile GIS in the Wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita at Entergy
Robert "skip" Dearie, Entergy Corporation
In 2005 New Orleans experienced one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States – the severe flooding that occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Within a month, Hurricane Rita struck other portions of Entergy’s service territory, resulting in more widespread outages and flooding. With Entergy’s corporate headquarters shut down and many of Entergy’s regional offices out of power for a significant period of time, Entergy’s mobile GIS system was the only source of network information for many restoration crews from all over the United States. This presentation discusses the severity of the damage caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the vital role that Entergy’s mobile GIS played in the restoration effort

Panel Discussion - Going Mobile
Matt Shellenberger (AEP), Jon Taylor (JEA), John Wakefield (Washington Gas), Ron York (Duke Energy)
Ten Sails Consulting and a panel of expert mobile GIS technology users discuss current system capabilities and real-world implementation experiences with systems from GTi, GSIWorks, MapFrame, and Tensing. This session will include short presentations from the panel members followed by an interactive "open mic" session to answer questions from the audience.

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