Sunday, November 16, 2008

GTV .NET Control Version is Available

The GTViewer .NET Control for Windows version is Available.
------------ - 11/16/08

- FIX - #5582 - Problem with Feature Tooltips and Point features. Introduced
with #5202.

------------ - 10/21/08
- FIX - #5550 - Shape with Hole element did not default to the right fill color when defining a ColorValue in the style rules.
------------ - 10/20/08

- NEW - #5546 - TapAndHoldDelay property added so that the tap and hold delay
and be set to a custom value. Default has also been changed
from 300 milliseconds to 800.
------------ - 10/15/08
- NEW - #5540 - Zoom Center action can now be set to Center View (default), Trigger
an Event, or do nothing. The ZoomClickAction property has been added. The ZoomClickActionEvent has been added.

------------ - 10/13/08
- FIX - #5536 - The FeatureTooltipEvent did not check to see if the event has
been handled before raising it. This probablem affected C# apps that did not handle the event.

------------ - 10/10/08
- FIX - #5531 - DataFile returned blank when a .gtx file was opened.
------------ - 10/09/08
- NEW - #5526 - DataFile property added to return the session's parent data file.

------------ - 10/03/08

- NEW - #5444 - PromptDefaultComparison supported in Queries.
- NEW - #5446 - Support for Ends With, Contains, and Exact Matches for queries.
- FIX - #5458 - Emphasize Session Graphic mode was not graying out shape element
using a BorderColor style property.

- FIX - #5460 - Changes to the drawing of shape using ShapeBorderColor to match

- FIX - #5497 - Softbutton status would not be updated until a mouse move event
occurred. For a UMPC, this does not happen. Related to #5148.

- NEW - #5500 - DrawingAllowed Property added.

- FIX - #5501 - ActivateDrawCircle, ActivateDrawEllipse, ActivateDrawDelete,
ActivateDrawFreehand, ActivateDrawLine, ActivateDrawArea, and ActivateDrawRectangle will now return false if drawing is not allowed.

------------ - 09/22/08

- FIX - #5425 - Only the last MrSID raster file defined with RasterPC was being

- FIX - #5426 - ActivateCaptureMode will now return false for Point and Point with
Zoom when the allowCancel is true or allowInteractive is false.

- FIX - #5428 - ActivateCaptureMode will now return false for Point With Confirmation, Point with Confirmation and Zoom, Line and Area when the
allowInteractive is false.

- FIX - #5430 - AllowCapture flag did not work for Point_With_Confirmation and

------------ - 09/16/08
- FIX - #5396 - ActivateMagnifyMode always returned True even when no file was

- FIX - #5397 - Magnify Mode could not be activated via the Mode property.
- FIX - #5398 - Mode set to None when a file is closed.
- NEW - #5400 - SendMouseClick and SendMouseMove method have been added.
- CHG - #5401 - New Capture Modes: Capture_Point_With_Zoom, Capture_Point_With_Confirmation_And_Zoom, Capture_GPS_Point_With_Zoom.

- FIX - #5402 - UDLS definitions using TrueType fonts were failing.
- FIX - #5405 - PointCaptured event was not being fired when the Finish button was
pressed in Capture_GPS_Point mode.

- CHG - #5407 - Point_With_Keys capture mode added to CaptureMode structure to be
compatible with the PGTV Control. Capture mode is not supported in the GTV Control.
- CHG - #5409 - Documentation renamed to GTV-PGTV-Control.doc.

------------ - 09/11/08
- CHG - #5370 - FeatureTooltipMinimumThreshold and FeatureTooltipMaximumThreshold
will also be accepted for FeatureTooltipMinimumZoom and FeatureTooltipMaximumZoom with GetDataProperty and SetDataProperty.

- NEW - #5371 - Non-Category MrSID raster support added.
- FIX - #5373 - Default Background color with .gtm files was not always getting
set to the right color with an explicit BackgroundColor entry in the .gtm file.

- NEW - #5374 - The Raster Display flag can be used with the OpenFile and
CreateSession methods so that the default setting can be used for the initial view and the view does not have to be refreshed to set the initial raster display.

- FIX - #5375 - FeatureTooltipMaximumThreshold and FeatureTooltipMinimumThreshold
were not working (as defined in [Additional Properties]).

- FIX - #5377 - CurrentColorId, CurrentStyleId, CurrentWeight, CurrentExtendedStyle
will now ignore out of range values.

------------ - 09/08/08
- FIX - #5363 - MinorPerMajor Data Property did not work correctly with

- FIX - #5365 - FixedSymbolScale not returning correct value.

- FIX - #5366 - The FeatureToolTipMinimumScale, FeatureTooltipMaximumScale,
FeatureTooltipMinimumZoom, FeatureTooltipMaximumZoom, FeatureToolTipOmitBlankValues properties with SetDataProperty were all returning false.

- FIX - #5367 - The FeatureToolTipMaximumScale property was returning the wrong value with GetDataProperty.

- FIX - #5368 - FeatureToolTipMinimumScale did not work when set to 0.

------------ - 09/06/08
- NEW - #5310 - LastExportFeatureCount has been added to GetDataPropert and will
return the number of elements last exported.

- FIX - #5321 - SetCurrentData always returned false.

- FIX - #5326 - The EmphasizeSessionGraphics Data Property was returning an
invalid value.

- FIX - #5331 - FeatureTooltipMinimumScale did not work with GetDataProperty or

- FIX - #5342 - FixedSymbolScale and FixedSymbolZoom were returning each other's
values with GetDataProperty.

- FIX - #5344 - The MeasurePrecision data property was not working.

- FIX - #5346 - The FeatureToolTipMaximumZoom and FeatureTooltipMinimumZoom data
properties did not work with GetDataProperty and SetDataProperty.

- FIX - #5347 - CoordinateReadoutMode did not work with GetDataProperty and

- FIX - #5349 - FixedSymbolScale, FixedSymbolZoom, DefaultScale, DefaultZoomLevel,
MeasureFactor will return False for values less than or equal to 0 with SetDataProperty.

- FIX - #5350 - MinZoomLevel, MaxZoomLevel, MinZoomScale, MaxZoomScale,
FeatureToolMinimumZoom, and FeatureTooltipMaximumZoom will now return
false if set to a value less than 0 with SetDataProperty.

- FIX - #5353 - Problem reading Arc and Ellipse elements from a .GTS file.

- NEW - #5354 - Upgraded from VS2005 to VS2008. Still supports VS2005 and still uses the .NET Framework 2.0.

- NEW - #5355 - Toolbox Icon set to GT Logo.

- NEW - #5356 - FileVersion property of GTVControl.dll set to auto-increment.

------------ - 08/23/08
- FIX - #5288 - Capture Line and Area modes were not working correctly.
------------ - 08/22/08
- NEW - #5278 - Basic Printing Functionality: Print, PrintPreview, PringPage Setup.
- NEW - #5279 - The CoordinateReadoutPrecision and CoordinateReadout data properties are now available.

- FIX - #5280 - EmphasizeSessionGraphics data property did not return True when set.

- FIX - #5284 - Raster basepath was not correct when using .gtm or .gts files.

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