Friday, November 14, 2008

GTViewer Version 8.0.x.15 is Available

GTViewer version 8.0.x.15 is available.

----------------------- - 11/14/08

- FIX - #5565 - Problem introduced with #5442. The Mode 2 for QueryInitialize did not work.

- FIX - #5576 - Problem with Feature Tooltips and Point features. Introduced with #5205 and #5206.

- NEW - #5577 - DefaultGPSReceiverType has been added to the Additional Properties section so that the default GPS receiver type can be specified in the .gtm file.

- NEW - #5578 - The GTVx.doc is now delivered with GTViewer as it contains the API specification for GTViewer.

- NEW - #5579 - The GTViewer-DOTNET-Interface.doc interface is now delivered with GTViewer.

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